Thank you everyone for another wonderful year. I admit I was a little worried at first, since there weren't too many entries early on. But toward the end, the entries were coming in like crazy. I'm so glad the RK fandom is alive and well. ^_^
As always, the judges and I had a tough time since there were so many great entries. I always feel a bit of guilt for not being able to award some of my personal favorites. I'm sure the other judges feel similarly. That tends to happen when you vote by panel.
There really were a great number of fantastic pictures. There are some technically wonderful pieces that didn't receive an award, although we definitely found them very impressive. Same goes for some really ambitious, obviously time-consuming pics, and some pieces with really cool ideas that may not have fit neatly with the contest theme but were quite original nonetheless.
As most of you know, this contest isn't just about who draws the best. It's always been about... Well, I link to the judges' criteria every year (see below) and that's about all I can say for the process. Each judge is a very different person, and each judge ranks the criteria in a different order. It keeps the process interesting.
Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy all the entries, whether they win an official award or not. There is so much wonderful art to see. And I must say, I've been watching some of you for years, and I can see the improvement in your art from year to year. It has been a pleasure and a privilege for me to watch you grow artistically. Many of you have come such a long way! I've enjoyed seeing artwork from veterans and newbies alike this year. Congrats to you all for a job well done.
Enough with my rambling. Now, onto the awards!
Note: To view banners at their proper size, right-click on them and select "view image". I decided to go with just one image for the banners this year partly because I didn't want to use Watsuki's images which are copyrighted, and partly to save a bit of time.
Please feel free to post your award anywhere you like. You can hotlink them from my site if you need to do so. If you're not sure of the code for posting them, e-mail me, and I'll let you know. :)
To those who received monetary awards: Congrats! I will contact you regarding prizes next week.
As always, if you have any questions, comments, complaints, or concerns about the judging or award results, please feel free to e-mail me. Please DO NOT contact the artist who received the award. Thanks!
judging criteria ::: prizes ::: contest home