I'm generally the webmistress of The Akabeko Library for RK fanfiction (yeah, RK's definitely my favourite anime), but needs more updating (eep). About RK, well...my favourite character is definitely Misao (considering the fact that she and Lara Croft are alike :D). Next favourite character is Sanosuke since Kenshin tends to be rather overused sometimes (no offense! :D). Other than that, my current internet interest is co-administrating BattleForums.com, a forum that specializes in the PC Blizzard games. Rather nasty sometimes, but it's rewarding in the end when you think about the kind of experience you obtain from internet relations.
Ah, as for artwork, I tend to lean more onto the anime sector, but will really need to try to get expand more into creating funky PhotoShop effects rather than just staying along with copy/paste jobs. But yes, I admit that I know enough art to get some of the proportions right (I hope...hehe).