note: I usually edit out comments to reviewers, but since these were
on a separate page, I left them in. The actual reviews that Calger
is referring to are posted at fanfiction.net.]
Prism - End Notes
For anyone who's read my bio, I'll be moving to Japan in about three weeks,
so this will be my last major fic for a very long time. However, there will
still be periodic updates on this fic. Writing a novel-length story it turns
out is a very involved process, and looking back there are still certain
moments that I'm just not happy with. In addition to a general fix-the-typos-and-minor-flow-issues
revision, the following scenes are targeted for major revision in the very
near future (just in case you guys were interested):
1. Chapter 4. the first Karou/Battousai scene. This is so pivotal to the
rest of the fic, and it just doesn't do enough. I was still unsure on how
to write both their characters, so it could really benefit from a general
2. Chapter 6. Yanagi's background. Ugh, this just drags on and on…this is
important background info for the readers, and sets up Yanagi's situation
and motivations, but I need to find a better and much more interesting way
of presenting the information as he makes his way from the hotel to the dojo.
3. Chapter 8b. The first Yanagi/Battousai fight. This actually isn't too
terrible, but I think it could be better. There needs to be more "oomph"
to this confrontation, and there should be a bit more tension between Sano
and Battousai. IHMO.
4. Chapter 11. The Yahiko/Battousai conversation. God in heaven, this conversation
was so frustrating. I'm fine with the actual content of the scene; it's
the way it plays out that bothers me. The scene is too long and awkward,
and the topics don't flow well still. This scene actually has first priority
in the rewrites. Of all the ones listed here, this one bothers me the most.
I'll be quietly replacing the text of those scenes as they're finished.
And then, after all that I'm going to do a general revision of An Inn in
Hokkaido (maybe I'll save that for the loooong plane ride to Japan…seeing
as I can't sleep on moving objects -_-;;). Some scenes just make me cringe
when I reread them, especially ones that involve Yanagi. Also, I need to
lengthen the time Kenshin lives at the inn (due to the yukata mix-up, which
I mentioned in an earlier set of author notes) which will require some extra
transitory scenes. I intend to use these scenes to clarify Yanagi's character
development, which is a bit confusing even to me. Also the climax of the
fic—Kenshin's rescue of Yanagi—still lacks the spark needed for it to be
truly dramatic. Some readers commented that it felt anticlimactic, and I
agree, so I'm going to fix it. Somehow…
I've also posted the first set of omake my beta-reader wrote for this story
(it follows this "chapter" you're reading now), there's another set on the
way! I'll post them as soon as she's done ^_^ As for new stories…I'll cross
that bridge when I come to it, but if I continue in RK fandom I want to deal
with characters aside from Kenshin, because I think I've said my piece as
far as he's concerned. Before that though I want to write original fiction,
because I think I'm ready now to do something publish-worthy. Thank you all
for reading, until next time, ja ne!
And now, the promised readers' tribute! ^_^ I read every single review I
get, and they all make me feel so special. This has been my most successful
fic so far, and I wanted to thank you all for your support. This one's for
you guys!
Ranma1517730129—to my beta-reader and best friend since middle school, you
are an inspiration and a truly special person. I had so much fun in Florida
this past week, saying goodbye again was really tough. I think of you every
day, and believe me I won't disappear on you :) I'm going halfway across the
world…but I'll be back, muwhahaha! *huge hugs*
Jason M. Lee—Seriously, do you live on your computer? Because no matter
what time of night I post, you're always the first to review! LOL thanks
for being such a dedicated reviewer, I hope you enjoyed the ending!
Imbrium Iridium—to the author of "Tainted Mirror" I give major thanks. What
a wonderful vignette, it was such an honor to receive! Your writing is incredible
for someone in high school, I expect to see you in the bookstores one day,
keep going with your fics! Everyone check out "Dancing Plums and 8th Grade
Literature", it's a great story ^_^
Akai Kitsune—another favorite author! Posting with you on the TFME forum
is such a blast, especially reading your LIAC skits ^_^ *gives Shinta-chan
a very large Aku Cookie and drags Rurouni and Battousai off to play some celebratory
DDR* I eagerly await your return to fic-writing at the end of the summer,
I know it'll be worth it :D
Linay—*bows low* The master of RK fanfiction herself reviewed my silly little
story. My life is now complete ^_^ Keep "Broken Pieces" coming!
marstanuki—see this *did* turn into a Battousai/Kaoru story after all. Well,
sort of. Happy now? ^_^
Firefury—another loyal reviewer!! You always have so much encouraging stuff
to say, you even stayed up past 3am to read. That's dedication. Arigatou!
haku baikou—it's always nice to make another new fan :) You're reviews are
always very insightful, and I love your stories! Everyone visit haku baikou's
website, it's a beautiful archive of fan-produced art and writing!
Emri-chan—you have the most enthusiastic reviews of anyone I've seen on
Ff.net ^_^ You've been a great reader, and it was fun emailing back and forth
about stuff. It's cool to be a fan of each other's work, ne?
Colleen—*squeals in glee* one of my favorite authors reviewed me, not once
but three times in a row! Ureshii desu :) Oh, and I should say this officially…"Of
Two Minds" was honestly the inspiration for this fic. I should have credited
it properly at the beginning, but now you're official inspiration-giver ^_^
Selene—I *love* your reviews, with the three personality thing. They always
make me laugh, thank you so much! ^_^
Lexa—you're right, I *am* in the wrong profession, hence why I'm trying
to get out of it. Hmm…teaching kids to write fanfics, not a bad idea…*grins
C-Chan—Wai, another favorite author reviewed! My day just keeps getting
better ^_^
The Elemental—I'm glad this fic held your attention so long! LOL I know
what you mean when you find a fic you just can't stop reading *looks at
Fitz meaningfully* "My Life" just wouldn't set me free…not that that's a
bad thing *grins*
Chiruken—another person who couldn't put my fic down! LOL hey this is a
good sign for getting original stuff published, ne?
supernaturalove—you're reviews are always so long and insightful, and have
actually made me aware of things I didn't notice going on with the characters
in my fic, which is always very valuable ^_^
Mae, Vesca, Aishteru, AngelsExist, Jovian Angel—thanks for being such loyal
and consistent reviewers!
And additional thanks to everyone else who reviewed: Fitz, Michiru Kashyuuno,
DarkHorse, KawaiiMoonAngel, Paradoxal Reality, Steel Jaguar, Katharine the
Great, amamiya, NightRain, Chri, Amber, AaarikaaA, dernhelm, CurlsofSerenity,
Battousai angel, Fanny M, Hypokritika Cynikel, Chris, aku-chan, Starberry
Sundae, Leigh, yawarako, blaque and wight, kristy, Framling,
Nips, Kafei, Anna, JadeAnime, Chri, Kiriko, Crystal, nicky-chan, Sakura Alex,
Lere, lizzie, Mokona, Sherry, omochi, Enishi, dragona and Sagara
So that's…wow, 63 people (hope I didn't forget anybody!), and I know there
are more readers than that because they've been putting me on their favorite
authors lists! ~_^
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