::: Drama
::: Romance
::: Parody
::: PG
Spoiler Level
::: Jinchuu
::: Seisohen
Kendo no Go
In the Language of Kendo:
A Fanfic in 100 Chapters
by Akai Kitsune
28: Shiroi
The colour of snow; cold, unfeeling snow
that blocks out the sound of your feet as you step through it,
silent and full of calm resolve, approaching your targets with
the cold efficiency of a trained assassin.
Which is precisely what you are.
Snow, in which your victims fall, lifeless and setting free
their final breath, eyes wide in surprise as if they cannot
believe they were beaten so easily. Afterwards, you stare at the
skies from which it falls and question, as you wait for the
observers to come and leave the warning of heavenly justice on
the mutilated bodies, how long you will survive in this bloody
town, how long until you will be just another corpse on the
ground, empty and nameless, without a person to speak for him,
only the confident, gloating words of the man who managed to kill
you, and the murmurs of how such a small stripling of a boy could
have been the deadly hitokiri.
Snow, which you catch upon impulse, watching the pure white
ice crystals dissolve in your hands, as you wonder with a bleak
frown if everything pure you hold onto will disappear, lingering
in your thoughts like a lost fragrance, merging with the eternal
stains of blood that will never go away, however many times you
wash your hands, however many snowflakes you capture from the
The colour of snow; beautiful snow that you
walk through with your wife, your conversation as silent as the
flecks of white surrounding you. Snow that falls outside your
home - a home, for the first time in your life, truly - as you
hold her in your arms, drawing her warmth as she draws yours,
loving her with all your heart and wishing to whatever you happen
to believe in that things will never change, that the war will
never return, and that you both could remain, warm and loved,
until winter ends and spring sends a new life into your marriage,
no longer spurred by impulse and political suggestion, but by
emotion and strength. You wish you could remain, but you do not,
and the snow feels cold against your skin when you awaken alone.
The colour of snow; the empty, numbing ice
against your skin as you travel forward, a katana in your hands
and fury fueling your soul, slashing through any man or weapon
that acts as a boundary between you and your goal. She is waiting
for you, your warmth in the winter, and you will not allow her to
freeze, not alone, not any longer.
Snow, which is no more than a continuous cloud in your misted
vision, a chill on your exposed skin, a soothing wash of purity
for the blood staining your body.
Snow, falling all around you, as you raise your sword in a
final attempt to win her back, to set her free, to die that she
might live.
Snow, white as her kimono, and suddenly it is her
kimono, right in front of you, in front of your sword, and then
nothing is white, everything is red, dark red, blood red -
Snow, falling towards you, resting on her face as she touches
yours, as a drop of blood falls on her cheek, mingling with her
smiling tears, and it, too, melts beneath your fingers as you
hold onto her, like a snowflake, like a lost fragrance that you
do not want to let go of, never, ever, even though she is
dead and you are not.
Snow, in which your wife - a second love,
but never secondary in your heart - dances and twirls, her young,
child-like face bright and full of life, a broad smile and
beautiful laughter echoing through your mind like a mantra of awe
and wonder, of how such a man could win her heart. You watch her,
smiling with her, not even realizing that you are staring until
she stops and looks at you, questioning you for a moment. As you
stammer through an answer, she gives up and takes your hand,
pulling you into her intricate, invented dance, until her student
- the boy who is your son, however unattached your lineage -
tosses snowballs at you and calls you lovebirds, calls her that
silly name that could never be truly attached to her, even when
she grows old. The moment is broken, except when she smiles back
at you, and you realize that the moment will never truly be
broken, and that it, like bloodstains, like lost fragrances, can
never truly disappear from your soul.