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Kendo no Go
In the Language of Kendo:
A Fanfic in 100 Chapters

by Akai Kitsune

40: Daughter



girl n. onna no ko. 1. a female child. 2. a young, or relatively young, unmarried woman. 3. a female servant or employee. 4. a woman of any age, married or single. 5. a sweetheart; also, one's wife. See also GIRLFRIEND, GIRLHOOD, GIRLIE, GIRLISH, KENDO GIRL.


 During her pregnancy, Kaoru fervently hoped for a baby girl. Being the first-born and a girl herself - as well as an only child - she knew exactly how to raise her, although she lacked most skills that young women would receive. But there was time enough for that, really.

She loved to go clothes shopping with Kenshin, cooing and coddling over the tiny swathes of clothing a newborn would wear, brushing her fingers across cotton kimonos made for a little girl-child, bright colours and patterns that were, in her mind, perfect. She could see the child in her mind's eye: dark hair, beautiful violet eyes - no matter what, the baby just had to have Kenshin's eyes - short, but that was expected considering the size of her parents. And naturally, a silk indigo ribbon for her hair, though the significance would be lost on her. She didn't have to know.

Kenshin always smiled at her, as she pointed out the tiny outfits with bright eyes and joyful laughter. He smiled, but he didn't answer her the way she wanted him to.

He said yes, it was cute, and yes, it would look wonderful on a little baby girl.

He didn't say that yes, it was cute, and yes, it would look wonderful on their little baby girl.

She wondered if he didn't want a girl, or in the least, not as much as she did. He was a swordsman... and swordsmen always wanted male heirs, didn't they?

"I'm not passing down my techniques to anyone."

Anyone at all.

'So what is he so secretive about?'

It was infuriating, really. Even if he didn't care what the child was, as he claimed, he could at least show a little enthusiasm.

Such as the enthusiasm shown when he held up a small training gi, his eyes knowing as he told her it would suit a practitioner of the Kamiya Kasshin style very well. Or his smiling face as he weighed a short bokken in his hands, testing it's swing with a practiced hand. Or his laughter when she held up a soft pink kimono, raising her eyebrow meaningfully.

 "Sessha's gi is mostly red, you know," he murmured in her ear, eliciting a giggle and a gentle elbow in his gut.

Or his hand carefully squeezing hers - as if she were fragile, yet still, unmistakably, his Kaoru - as she discussed sizes and custom makings for a girl with the shopkeeper, a plump, fervent woman with an eye for sales and prospective buyers. He was careful to keep the discussions limited only to the planning stages, to avoid any unnecessary purchases. Which, if course, annoyed her to no end; how was he to know whether or not they were unnecessary?

Yes, she very dearly wanted a little girl; to hug, to hold, and to do for her all the things she never received as a child, spending most of her time with her father, learning more how to be a boy than a girl. She wanted to learn how to be a lady as her daughter grew up, so she, in turn, could teach the child how to act properly.

After Kenji - her son - was born, she learned that wanting something did not always mean you were to receive it. But, more importantly, she learned that, from a mother's viewpoint, what you received was always, in the end, something you truly wanted more than anything else in your heart.


I bet you thought I'd write her as being disappointed. So bleah to you, then! ^_^

The original chapter was titled "Girl".

Hey everyone, the Rurouni Kenshin Reader's Choice Awards are finally open for nominations! So pick your favourite fanfics and go vote! Go on, go! ^_^ Many thanks to Ariane and Sevarem for making this year's awards a possibility again, and please, PLEASE do not pester them or try to break the rules. No award is worth a win if it requires cheating. Keep that in mind, ^_~

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