NOT MINE! *huff*
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Kendo no Go
In the Language of Kendo:
A Fanfic in 100 Chapters

by Akai Kitsune

53: Illusions



Kaoru did not dream. Or, to be exact, she had difficulty remembering her dreams. Often she would awaken suddenly, a steady stream of emotion flaring in her mind - fear, anger, joy - her heart pounding in her chest for reasons she couldn't explain. It was frustrating, really, how she would be startled out of sleep for nothing, waking Kenshin at the same time and, at his soft query at what was wrong, having to answer that she honestly didn't know.


Sometimes she complained to Kenshin about her puzzling troubles, agonizing over what might have been frightening, what might have been infuriating, what might have brought her joy. She would vent over the extensive list of might-have-beens, angry and not really knowing why, just knowing that it was important in some silly, ultimately inconsequential way. If that made any sense.

Later, she felt terribly guilty at her inconsiderate words to Kenshin. He would listen, patient, silent, and polite, as she pondered and ranted, ignoring her tired fury, knowing all the while that the dream was nothing, would be nothing if it hadn't interrupted her sleep.

But, through her angry pacing, she never stopped to think of how he might feel. How he might wish with all his heart that their positions could be reversed, that she could dream of her fear, her anger, her joy, and he could be left with the unknowing bliss of not dreaming, not seeing the dark and bloody existence that was his inner memory, or whatever it was that drove him to the nightmarish state she sometimes woke to find him in, shivering, wracked with chills or tears, or silent, so silent that it made her worry if he would ever speak, ever smile, again.

And yet the very next night he was listening, just as silent, but smiling, shaking his head for no reason, or no reason he would give to her, as she lamented the loss of a dream, even though dreams were meant to be lost, meant to be forgotten. He told her this, and she resisted the urge to ask him why he still has the same dreams, the same memories, that will never go away.

Guilty, again. y


This is a sympathy chapter, from one non-dreamer to another. -_-;; Yes, it's frustrating, yes it's annoying, and no, I don't envy dreamers very often. It's much easier to daydream. No nightmares this way, heh.

The original title of this chapter was "Dream".

More coming soon!
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