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Kendo no Go
In the Language of Kendo:
A Fanfic in 100 Chapters

by Akai Kitsune

69: Umi



Kaoru often wondered why love was like an ocean. She found this to be a horrible analogy; however beautiful and endless the ocean was, it always seemed cold to her, cold and empty.

It was the distance, though, that really bothered her. Whenever she was by the sea she felt as though she would be swallowed alive, pulled out and left to drift by the giant waves which tugged at her feet as she stood among them, gazing out into the vast body before her. It was all the same; nothing ever changed.

Was love like that?

Was love really an ocean, peaceful one moment, chaotic and churning the next, always a sea of indecision clashing for power over one's soul?

Was love a giant mass of emotion, swirling around in a person's heart, waiting to fixate on another and consume them completely, leaving them lost and disoriented by the flow of such feeling?

Was love a wondrous new world when you are part of it, full of colours and experiences far beyond the reality of what you are used to, while appearing empty and dead on the surface?

Was love an ocean?

Sometimes she wished it could be. It seemed to continue on forever, never ceasing, never ending, just flowing wildly over the shorelines.


But, deep down, she knew that the ocean could not properly represent love - well, certainly not the love she often felt in her own heart. Even the ocean, however broad and vast it seemed, had limits.

How could one truly describe love as being so limited?

She wanted love to be eternity - so simple a term, yet so complex at the same time - something that was boundless, timeless, indescribable and free from worldly restraints. The kind of love which took the path of infinity, always moving forward, never wavering, never giving up.

Never ending.

Love is a journey.

"I am a wanderer..."

'... I... I...'

'I want to wander with you, Kenshin...'

"A journey without farewells, a beginning without end..."

"I want to stay with you..."


This is what I call my "demented" chapter. My premise was one line, and I babbled. Please forgive me.

Oh well, this is what happens when someone is sitting around, bored to death, with nothing to do but play video games and stare at a computer screen. It completely kills the imagination. I think I'd do better if I was in school. (Although that comment alone is enough to make me want to commit seppuku. Wouldn't Watsuki-sensei be proud?)

The oro - I mean original chapter title is "Ocean". (That bad pun over there was a typo, I swear!) That's the translation of "Umi", that it is. (Ugh. I've resorted to using bad translations.)

Okay, now I'm really done. (Finally).
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