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Kendo no Go
In the Language of Kendo:
A Fanfic in 100 Chapters

by Akai Kitsune

95: Letter



Dear Misao,

It's been a while, ne? I'm sorry I haven't written recently but life has a way of pushing me around sometimes. I'm sure you can understand, since you yourself run a place as busy as the Aoiya. How is business, by the way? Are you still having trouble with that rude customer you mentioned in your last letter? I hope things are going well and no one is causing problems.

Give my regards to Okina-san and the others. I miss you all and I hope to visit sometime soon. We haven't seen each other in so long! I suppose it comes from growing up, doesn't it. It gets harder to keep in touch when we lead such busy lives.

Has Kenshin stopped by? He's been traveling a lot lately, doing odd jobs for the police chief. Uramura-san is really relying on Kenshin, just like in the past. I hope the jobs aren't very similar though. He hasn't come back injured yet, so it seems he's doing well. He never talks about these strange jobs of his, but you know Kenshin! He hates to make people worry about him, especially me. I just wish he'd trust me more. He's been gone for a few days now and I'm not sure when he'll be home. Hopefully soon, or he'll get an earful.

Kenji has grown so big since you last saw him! He's now four years old, though I'm sure you knew that, and I can barely believe how he'd doing. He talks a lot these days, and he remembers you from the last time you visited. Unfortunately Yahiko has taught him a lot of nicknames, so don't be too upset if he mentions "weasel-girl" when he sees you. I'm trying to teach him not to say it, but you know how he loves to imitate his Yahiko-niichan. I have a strong feeling this will be a hard phase to grow out of. Even Kenshin can't do anything about it, and I'm sure it frustrates him a little.

How are things with Aoshi? Is he still traveling a lot as well? Kenshin mentioned it when he returned from Kyoto this past spring, after visiting Tomoe-san's grave. He was disappointed that he hadn't been able to talk with Aoshi, but he was glad to see you all. I hope Aoshi came back safely and that you're doing well.

I'm sorry if I upset you with any comments in my last letter. I didn't mean to joke about something you take so seriously, and it was silly of me to think you would. I know you're trying your best to help Aoshi settle down, and I hope you still trust me enough to tell me about it. Men like Aoshi and Kenshin are hard to find and even harder to understand, and I'll warn you now, you'll never fully understand him. But it is possible to win him over in the end, and I know Aoshi cares dearly for you. You just have to make sure he knows that what he wants and what you want can be the same thing. Don't try so hard to cheer him up, because if things work out right, just being with you will be enough to make him smile. I know it's hard, and it takes so long, but be patient.

Speaking of which, I'm trying my best to be patient with my husband, but I'm not sure how far I can go with this. I mentioned to him once that he should find something to do with his time besides chores, and he immediately thought he should get a more permanent job. I was so surprised, since he'd never spoken of it before. That's not even what I meant! The dojo is making enough money for us to get by, even with the extra expenses that Kenji is causing us since he started his growth spurt, but I think Kenshin is starting to worry. It's funny though, since it's usually me worrying about money. He did speak to Uramura-san about it, and I suspect he sent a letter to Yamagata-san as well. It's hard to say, because Kenshin refused to take a job in the army before, so why should he ask for it now? Maybe I'm just thinking too much about it. Should I worry? I really don't know what to do.

He even said he could help in cases with the Keishichou, which I found hard to believe. It's a good thing Saitou moved to Hokkaido a few years ago. Could you imagine Kenshin and Saitou working together! It worked out all right during the Shishio and Enishi battles, but a day-by-day job... it really makes me nervous to think about it. But maybe working with the police wouldn't be so bad. Kenshin could at least try to make them less corrupt. That was always a big problem in the past.

I was thinking that maybe Kenshin senses what I've been feeling lately - that it's time we had more children. Kenji is certainly a handful, but I would love to have a little girl, too. My parents always had problems with having children, so the fact that I was able to have a baby is really a miracle for me. For a long time I was worried I would have the same trouble. Now that I know I can have children, I want to give Kenji a little brother or sister so he doesn't grow up an only child like I did. I asked Kenshin about it, innocently enough so he wouldn't suspect anything, and he said that he liked the idea. I think he had brothers or sisters in the past, but he doesn't talk about it much so it's hard to tell. I was going to ask but he seemed uncomfortable about it. Someday I hope he'll tell me, but for now I'll wait for him.

It seems like that's all we ever do with men: wait for them to tell us things! It's hard, but I really think they'd be in trouble without us. At least, that's what I tell myself sometimes. I feel better knowing I have a purpose, even though I know that Kenshin makes me happier than anything or anyone else could. I'm sure you feel the same way.

Ah! I didn't mean for this to be so long! Sorry for rambling a little. I hope we can arrange for a visit sometime, because I'd love to see you again, and so would Kenji. If Kenshin drops by when he's near Kyoto, give him a good scolding and tell him to come home!

Your friend,

  - Kamiya Kaoru


This chapter and the one from the source novel were completely different, but to be honest, I had no other ideas. This one kept me on hiatus for about two weeks, and it was only the fact that I had written ahead that kept me from not updating frequently. I suddenly thought of the idea of Kaoru writing to Misao for some reason, and I thought I'd go with it. I rambled a little but since it is a letter, that's allowed. Heh...

This chapter carries a fair bit of spoilers for the sequel, ^_~ See if you can find them all.

The original title was "Salt".
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