This fan fiction is based on the Rurouni Kenshin manga. Rurouni Kenshin characters are the property of creator Nobohiro Watsuke, Shueisha, Shonen Jump, Sony Entertainment, and VIZ Comics. This is a non-profit work for entertainment purposes only. Permission was not obtained from the above parties.
Itoko = cousin
Saijuukei = second cousin
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A Road to Aizu: Chapter 4 - Reconciliation

by ShoshanaFlower

"I'm sorry I'm late. I know I missed the whole afternoon. I can make it up to you tomorrow." Naoko apologized, wiping his gold-rimmed glasses on the sleeve of his kimono. He'd been called away on an emergency and had neglected to let anyone but Haru know. Yuri and Megumi only began to wonder a few hours afterward, when Naoko didn't take Megumi's place at the clinic. No one thought to ask the children; they only discovered his whereabouts when Haru casually asked if his father would come back from his "fixing the fruit-seller's arm" in time to take him out fishing.

Megumi now stood listening to her cousin's habitually rapid speech, un-offended by his tardiness in taking his clinic shift.

"Don't worry, Naoko. I didn't mind," she said.

"You had Sou to help you though," he continued, asking a question more than stating a fact.

"No. I don't know where he's been today."

"Ah. I thought you two had a fight yesterday. I'll clean up here and be back by dinner, okay? Oh, Haru and Arata are still outside, itoko. Would you mind calling them in?"

"No," Megumi replied, heading for the door.

"So you and the kid had an argument?"

She stopped and turned to face Naoko. "Yes, we had a disagreement. It's resolved, though."

"Oh. I see."

"I'll send Haru to tell you when dinner's ready." Megumi left before he could question her further. Naoko, she reflected, had an annoying need to know the details about everyone else's concerns. She could definitely see the younger version of him in Arata. They'd both ask you the same thing five different ways until they received an answer.

As Megumi walked towards the house, she began to dress herself for battle with her younger cousins. 'Calling them in' could be a trying job. 'A few more minutes,' and 'but it's not even dark,' made up the bulk of the children's' protests. And Arata's newest favorite, 'but why?'

Unfortunately, it wasn't dark yet, so that was one objection she wouldn't be able to counter. She spotted they two boys in the side yard, holding races. With Soujiro. The doctor tried to conceal her disappointment at seeing him. She'd patiently informed herself throughout the day that she wasn't mad at him and that she had been right in asking him to stay. But something about his chirpy little smile made her feel rather annoyed just then.

"Arata, Haru!" Megumi tried to put the line of thought from her mind as she waved to the children a few yards away from her. Arata turned to look, but Haru pretended not to hear. Soujiro looked up as well.

Megumi continued towards Haru, who was busy inspecting the starting line he'd etched in the dirt.

"Haru," Megumi called again. Still no response. "I'm talking to you. You and your brother need to go inside and get ready to eat."

Haru sighed and laboriously lifted his head to look at Megumi. "Can't we finish Saijuukei? We're almost done."

"You are done, Haru. You should have gone in half an hour ago."

"Well it wasn't dar- "

"I don't want to argue. Come inside and wash the dirt off of yourselves."

Arata complied without complaint, and Haru didn't protest further. Soujiro followed silently.

The two boys sulked into the main room of the house, sending Megumi hurt looks whenever her back was to them.

"I'm sorry, boys. I didn't mean to yell at you." Megumi felt like she'd been handing out a lot of apologies lately. "Why don't you both go wash up and then help your mother with dinner?" she suggested. 'Sorry, Yuri.' "I'll be right there."

Arata immediately brightened at the prospect of dinner. "Okay," he said, scurrying through the interior door. Haru gave Megumi one last, long look and followed his brother, closing the door behind himself.

Then Megumi was left alone with Soujiro.

"You're upset with me still, Megumi-sensei?" Soujiro asked placidly.

"Yes, Soujiro, I believe I am."

"I'm sorry."

Megumi didn't try to think of a response. Somehow, she didn't find the act of forgiving as easy as she thought she would.

"Are those Takani-sensei's swords?" Soujiro asked, looking at the three swords displayed on the wall he was facing. Megumi realized he was referring to her uncle and turned to look at the swords.

"Yes. From before the Bakumatsu. He's held on to them for these past twelve years."


Looking back at Soujiro, Megumi continued, "What makes you ask?"

"Nothing. I just assumed they were his. But they might have belonged to your father. You're father's dead, isn't he?"

Megumi tried to determine where Soujiro was headed with his line of questions. "Yes, he is. Why?"

"No reason. You've just never spoken about your immediate family, or why you live with your cousins."

"You've never spoken about yours, either," Megumi countered.

A small, apologetic smile crossed Soujiro's face. "Well, if I have to tell you about mine for you to tell me about yours, perhaps we simply shouldn't discuss it."

After a moment, Megumi asked - without accusation, "Do they know who you are?"

"They're dead." Sou let his eyes wander to the wakizashi on the wall.

"Oh," was Megumi's only answer. Another silence. "Did Shishio teach you kendo?"

He nodded. "Yes. Sort of. Not his own style, though. He told me I had a natural gift for swords - that I was born with the ability."

" 'Soujiro no Tenken.' "

"Yes, that's why he gave me that name. You know, he told me I'd be the strongest, second only to him. That was back when I first met him. I guess he was right because before Himura-san, I was the closest to him in strength."

"If Ken-san defeated you, then he was always stronger than you."

Soujiro shrugged lightly. "Not really. We parted at a draw in Shingetsu village, and I had the immediate advantage in Kyoto. It was really only because my feelings got in the way he was able to beat me. If not for that, I'm sure I would have won. And I believe Himura-san would agree on that point."

Megumi briefly thought back to Sanoske's retelling of the fight in question.

"Seemed to me like he kinda lost it. Like the supposed 'seal' on his emotions tore off. 'Course, the Kenshin was able to read him and win. But that kid was good . . ."

"I suppose emotions get in the way of a good swordsman?" she asked.

"I don't know. . . . Shishio-san seemed to really enjoy fighting."

"It seems more like he enjoyed killing."

"Yes, that too. And Shishio-san said that Shinimori's emotions are what made him as relentless as he was. But then, maybe you're right anyway. I know I'm not nearly as strong as I was. Truthfully, I don't know if I could win a battle against anyone as I am now. Before, there was no question of whether I could defeat the rest of the Jupon Gatana. I could have killed all of them in the same fight. But now I don't think I could defeat one." Soujiro paused, and then added, "Well, maybe Iwanbo."

The name "Iwanbo" caused Megumi only more undesirable memories, so she chose to move the conversation along.

"Why didn't you come to the clinic today?"

Soujiro brought his hand to the back of his neck and forced a smile. "Well, I supposed you wouldn't really want to see me. After yesterday and all. I thought staying away might be best for a little while."

Unwillingly, Megumi admitted to herself that he was probably right.

Soujiro looked around the room with sudden interest. "Wow, it's gotten dark."

It was true. Megumi realized she could hardly make out Soujiro's features anymore. How late had it gotten? What time was . . .

"Oh no." Megumi froze.

"What is it?"

Megumi was about to answer him when light from the inside door spilled into the room. Both of them looked up to see a questioning Yuri standing in the doorway.

"What are you doing in the dark?" she asked. "Haru told me you'd be right in. You're food is starting to get cold." Yuri looked peered further into the dim room. "Naoko isn't here?"


"He's at the clinic still," Megumi said. "I'm sorry, Yuri. I was talking to Soujiro and forgot . . . I'll go get him." Before hurrying out the door, Megumi stopped and said, "Why don't you go eat, Soujiro? You should go to bed early: I want to see you bright and early at the clinic tomorrow."

I didn't mean to make Megumi seem like a PMSing nag or anything. But if you were in her place, with the guy who almost killed your would-be love living under the same roof as you, you'd be a tad irritable too. Besides, Sou's smile has to get under one's skin after a while.

The swords hanging on the wall that belonged to Megumi's uncle would have existed. From what I understand, before the revolution, doctors were of the same (or near the same) class samurai were. They would also be allowed to carry/possess swords, even though they were mostly honorary.
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