Disclaimer | This fan fiction is based on the Rurouni Kenshin manga. Rurouni Kenshin characters are the property of creator Nobohiro Watsuke, Shueisha, Shonen Jump, Sony Entertainment, and VIZ Comics. This is a non-profit work for entertainment purposes only. Permission was not obtained from the above parties. |
Author Intro | None. |
Warnings | None. |
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Genre::: Romance Rating::: PG Spoiler Level::: OAV1 |
Mitsutomoe: Endnotesby wombat ::: 04.Apr.2002A mitsutomoe is a pattern motif that looks vaguely like a whirlpool, a circle divided into three (mitsu) comma-shaped drops (tomoe). There's a nice page at http://www.mii.kurume-u.ac.jp/~leuers/trinity.htm with pix and a discussion of various possible interpretations within Shinto: the unity of the three realms of the gods, the three primal elements, and other fundamental sets of three. (Fox, tanuki, and weasel? Naaaaah...) You can see mitsutomoe scattered all over the background in the second episode of the first RK OVA, while Kenshin is struggling with his ambivalence about you-know-who. In the Imperial treasures of sword, mirror, and jewel, the jewel (magatama) is also supposed to be a comma-shaped drop, or a necklace made of them. And to increase the polysemy, the etymology of _tomoe_ is apparently based on the concept of a sprouting seed, the same shape as a raindrop or a flame. (Revised note: oops, I mistakenly assumed that the etymology I'd already seen for Sailor Saturn's surname would apply to Ms. Yukishiro's personal name as well; see http://antares7.prettyodango.net/articles/npf/index2.html for the former. "Our" Tomoe's personal name is a completely different kanji which originated as a pictograph of a snake, according to zhongwen.com's listing of that single four-stroke character as the Chinese _ba_. Much geekery deleted about Japanese legends about Melusine-like serpent brides, or women sacrificed as brides to the serpent-god of the local river to prevent floods (the bloody rain?).) So after having had the first chapter spontaneously splat itself into existence as a collage of symbolic images from the OVA, I started to think the premise over a little more carefully. Elbereth's webpage on the OVA's subtextual themes ( http://members.fortunecity.com/elbereth1/KenshinOVA2e.html ) was a tremendous inspiration from the start. The chapter titles are geeky semantic games based on stuff in the above paragraphs. Aside from the fairly obvious shifts in narrative focus, the chapter divisions are also based to some extent on the Kenshin/Akira/Tomoe triangle. (Enishi has his own manga arc. The kid can take care of himself.) Some specifics from chapter 3: Technically, traditional Japanese bells were rung by hitting them from the outside with a log, but Western-style bells with internal clappers would've been introduced by this time. (Revised note: well, the big freestanding bells needed to be whacked with a stick, but there were also clusters of small handheld bells, _suzu_, rather like modern-day jingle bells with a round thingy bouncing around inside each one.) Houzuki is the plant ADV decided to subtitle as "ground-cherry". Weirdos. The more usual name for it in English is "lantern plant". Apparently they're common altar decorations for the summer Obon festival, when families try to send their ghosts to rest. Also, you can blow into the empty pods and make a loud noise. Ahem. If you've made it all the way here, thank you for reading to the end, and I hope you've enjoyed it. A review would be nice, but it's not like I can chase you down and beat one out of you ^_^ |
Endnotes | None. |
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