Anyone who'd like to submit wallpapers is more than
to do so. If you would like to use a wallpaper for your website or blog,
please save the image directly to your own website. Please do NOT direct-
link the image from this site.
Also, if the artist does not have
his or her name printed on the wallpaper itself, it would be nice to give
them proper credit somewhere on your page. Thank you very much for your
gallery stats |
49 artists |
223 wallpapers | Latest
30.May.2006 |
Most recently updated:
The Narrator
artists |
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3 images |
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14 images |
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images |
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images |
Rurouni Kenshin characters are
the property of creator Nobohiro Watsuki, Shueisha, Shounen Jump, and Sony
Entertainment. This is a non-profit fan-site for entertainment purposes
only. Permission was not obtained from the above parties.