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2004 RK Fan Art Contest Awards |
Thanks so much to everyone who participated in this contest, whether it was with artwork entries, helping with publicity, or helping with judging. It couldn't have happened without everyone's generosity.
I want to congratulate all the participating artists on a job well done! The other judges and I had an incredibly difficult time judging. So many beautiful entries to choose from! It was really tough to come to a decision with so many great pics. In fact, it was so difficult, we added a few new awards and gave a few ties. Thanks so much to the judges for their hard work and dedication!
Anyway, I had a wonderful time with this contest. I hope you folks did too. Thanks so much, everyone!
-- HB
WARNING: Images and comments posted on this pic contain spoilers
To all artists who participated in the contest: I will be incorporating all contest pics into the main art gallery. If you don't want your artwork displayed on a page there, please e-mail me and let me know.
To those who received awards: Congrats! I will soon be contacting you regarding prizes. If you don't hear from me within a week, please e-mail me.
Edit: August 13, 2004
Apologies, but I've taken down the commenting system because despite my earlier request that comments be kept upbeat, some folks out there seem to have difficulty understanding that the comments were meant to be congratulatory. They were never meant to be used for criticism or stating "I don't really think so-and-so should have won" type statements, no matter how politely phrased.
This is not an art critique site. It never has been, and it never will be. This site is not for educative purposes. This contest is supposed to be for fun. Need I emphasize this? FOR FUN. We're Rurouni Kenshin fans first and foremost. Art skills are just an added bonus.
I know very well that certain negative commenters knew what they were doing. Let's face it. If you hesitate to sign your own name or leave your own e-mail address on a comment for all to see, then chances are, you know very well that your opinion could be hurtful. Your comments were at least quite courteous (and one was even trying to be helpful), and for that, I sincerely thank you. But such comments are still not appropriate here. Just because you can say something, doesn't mean you should.
Anyway, sorry to the rest of you who were being nice and supportive. Sorry a few folks had to dampen the spirit of things, but I'd rather not allow any more commenting since I don't want any of the artists' feelings to be hurt. Like I've said. All decisions were made by the judges. The artists had nothing to do with who got an award or who didn't. And so they should not be made to feel bad for receiving their award.
If you'd like to leave a comment for one of the award recipients, please feel free to e-mail it to me, and I'll post them on the page later on. And if you absolutely need to rant, then feel free to e-mail me PRIVATELY. Some of the artists here, especially the young ones, are sensitive. I am not. So take your frustrations out all you'd like and drop me a line.
Thanks everyone.
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Gary Hagins
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(pic removed by artist request)
Judges' comments:
- I'm a sucker for pictures like this and what I love best about this is the intimacy. It's a very emotive piece that operates on a simple concept: two people enjoying each other's company. Surprisingly we don't see this enough with RK fanart. I like the dark canopy with the light peeking through. I also like the realistic rendering. It really grounds this piece and makes the emotions behind his piece seem real.
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Judges' comments:
- Every time I look at this picture, I go "Awwwww". I love Yahiko's "do I gotta do this?" expression and Tsubame's happy smile. Just a really sweet, kawaii moment between the two of them.
- I absolutely ADORED this artwork. I loved the way that the artist set Yahiko and Tsubame in (what appears to me to be) the dojo, a place for practicing the arts of War...and then set them to dancing, which is definitely a symbol of romance and love. It really works well with the whole -theme- of Rurouni Kenshin, of turning the art of killing and death into the art of protection and compassion. They both have such characteristic expressions on their faces. The colors are vivid and catch the eye, and even the movement in the picture makes you think Yahiko is just about to twirl Tsubame around and whisk her across the floor.
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Judges' comments:
- I really love the unusual colors in this piece. The odd choice of grey skin makes Kenshin look almost vampiric, and it's a great contrast with the blood red hair. The rusty, almost warm clouds against the stark and cold night sky was a nice touch. And finally, Kenshin's eyes look downright wicked here. I get a wonderfully cold feeling from this image.
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Judges' comments:
- I love the coloring on this; the drawing quality is excellent too.... But the use of color, especially the range of violets, is very nice and holds together well as an overall piece.
- Very lovely, like the detail at the bottom of her kimono. The coloring’s nice, and the arrangement of the images is nice.
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Judges' comments:
- I was impressed by Sunoko's choice to draw an entire room. Perspective's sometimes a challenge that way, but Sunoko did the job well. I also liked the light pattern from the window.
- ...Something about it just -struck- me the first time I saw it. I think it is a combination of Sanosuke's expression and the simple, but charming subject matter which made me sit back and say...there is more to this picture than just the artwork. You can look at this picture for quite a long time, and it begins to form a little story in your head. How did Sanosuke hurt his hand -this- time? What did he say to Megumi when he showed up to have his hand fixed? What is Megumi thinking? What is Sano thinking? You could write a whole fanfic about this one little picture. I also think it is SUPER clever the way the artist positioned the window JUST right so that the light shining in forms a little halo around Megumi/Sano's hands. Crafty!
Rose Thorn
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Judges' comments:
- ...It reflects a powerful message, and one that I think is -fully- appropriate to the theme. Love is love, whether you are the bad guy or the good guy...and there is always someone who loves you, even as you fight. This is a complicated concept, and I think it is well portrayed in this picture.
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Judges' comments:
- Lighting, I think, plays a big role in the drama of this.
- I really love the colors in this. The flower petals and the glowing lights are beautiful. And the light source cupped in his hands, leaking out from between his fingers, just adds to the feeling of despair. The text at the bottom and the dark image go well together.
e-mail :::
Judges' comments:
- The colors on this are vibrant, and lovely. I also really like the texture of the piece. Gorgeous work on the fabric of Kaoru's kimono. The fact that it's painted on a traditional medium is an added bonus.
- The watercolor background is pretty. I also liked the details on Kaoru's kimono.
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Judges' comments:
- When done properly, extreme close-ups like
this one can deliver a real emotional wallop, and this one does not disappoint. Horror, agony, despair-all three are captured in those eyes. This is clearly the moment after Tomoe's death, as alluded to by the seemingly unremarkable puddle of blood partially obscuring Kenshin's first scar. I say seemingly unremarkable because blood over a
wound is unremarkable in the midst of battle. This artist, however, knows that it is remarkable in terms of the RK story, yet she is smart enough not to hit us over the head with it. It's there for us to discover, and that just adds to the impact of the work. It's a
wonderfully subtle touch in a powerfully emotional picture....
e-mail :::
Judges' comments:
- Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu-the technique of the flying dragon-and this artist has shown that dramatically. No one else has thought to emphasize the source of Kenshin's fearsome sword technique. If a picture is worth a thousand words, then this picture is it when it comes to explaining Kenshin's skills. A very unique presentation, indeed!
Makimachi Motoko
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Judges' comments:
- I like the fact that Motoko didn't show anyone's face; just a hand, a flower, and the vague reflection of Kenshin's crossed scar in the sword. An unusual and, I feel, ambitious way of depicting Kenshin's life as a hitokiri.
Tokio Saitou
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Judges' comments:
- It's unusual to see an action scene in which the two figures of a picture aren't battling each other, but are, rather, on the same side. I liked that about this picture. I also like their poses and the way the hair band and sleeve are whipping about on the man behind.
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Judges' comments:
- Chocobos!! ^_^ Very cute and silly, and I did chuckle at the jokes.... I think it was more the idea of Kenshin and Enishi acting so juvenile that made me smile the most.
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Judges' comments:
- No question, the funniest of the bunch. And not just funny, but this artist has truly internalized the longest-running gag of the whole manga-Yahiko and Sano setting up the clueless Kenshin vs. the bokken-wielding demento, Kaoru. Lots of fun!
The Narrator
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Judges' comments:
- How could anyone resist this little cutie? The pose, the thumb in the mouth, even the little butterfly on his
oversized bokken-it all just screams, "Soooo cute!"
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Judges' comments:
- I like the subtle wash of colors used for Kenshin's and Kaoru's hair, for their eyes and complexions, and for the background. This is a very pleasing entry, and that's almost entirely due to the lovely use of color.
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Judges' comments:
- Of every pic in the contest, this I think has the best linework. I like the sketchy style (which gives a nice sense of movement) and their poses are extremely well-done and obviously not manga inspired.
Blue Jeans
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Judges' comments:
- I really like the way the artist draws people. They have very aesthetically pleasing faces. I also like the detail in the picture. There's a lot going on, but the artist manages to make it all very clear, and not at all confusing. Beautiful costumes too.
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Eiko Makimachi
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Judges' comments:
- Cute picture of Kamatari, an unlikely subject matter. And what a wonderfuly fluid pose. The colors are really bright and fitting as well. I also like the attention paid to the lighting.
- The flow of the clothes, the set of that bare leg, the twist of the torso, the way Kamatari is gripping his (her?!) weapon-it all works to give a real sense of movement.
- This is such a lively, energetic pic. It's got a lot of movement to it, and I can almost feel the air whooshing by.
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Judges' comments:
- It's dramatic, well-drawn and colorful, and suggests motion nicely.
- This one demonstrates great technical skills. Nice, rich, dark colors. An expressive and off-putting gaze. Fear the Battousai! Fear him!
- I like the intensity of Battousai's expression and the structure of his face. I also like the fact that it's done in the artist's personal style. The coloring is nice, and the shading is solid. I like the way she did the folds in the clothes. The front sleeve is especially pleasing to look at.
Cathy Ha
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Judges' comments:
- It's different, it's dramatic and tense, it's well-drawn, it shows an artistic sense of drama, composition, and effective use of color vs. black and white.
- This entry is exceptional for several reasons. First, there is the excellent use of perspective, and not just on the cobblestones the character is sitting on. That alone would qualify this as an exceptionally well-done piece for someone this age, but the use of Kenshin’s sword to define the foreground–to make us feel like we are seeing this through Kenshin’s eyes–is truly remarkable. And the proportions all seem to work. Then there’s the excellent shading, the angry expression on the character's face–it all makes for a very satisfying entry.
- Fans of the OAV will instantly recognize Kiyosato Akira as the wounded man. Kiyosato and Battousai, related in both Love and War through one woman. That choice of subject matter in itself makes this pic great. Add to that some lovely line work, a dramatic facial expression, an interesting pose, a splash of red amid the black, and a fascinating point-of-view from Battousai's eyes. And what do you have? A complex and marvelous pic. Great job.
- What a great battle scene. Once again, the curves and lines...the impending doom of the already injured man...who has fallen to the ground. Wonderful!
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Bekah Wren
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Judges' comments:
- I like this one a lot because it's an Interesting and original concept. It's a very literal expression of Kenshin as a pawn. Also, it seems to have this whisper of sadness, but it doesn't beat you over the head with it.
- [An] artist who has internalized the entire manga series and come up with an interesting synthesis to show that Kenshin was just a pawn in a gigantic political game of chess.
- I love the originality of this pic. Battousai as a chess piece: young Kenshin as a pawn. It fits so well with a broad and repeating theme throughout the series and OAVs. I like how cute and innocent the chess piece looks, in contrast to the starkness of the pic's message. And that little spot on the side. Blood perhaps? Simple visuals representing a very complicated scene. Creative and unusual idea. This is simply wonderful.
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e-mail :::
Judges' comments:
- I really like the intimate, closeup look of this. It makes a the very famous OVA death scene more interesting. The viewing angle, subject matter and the color just work for this piece. The picture conveys its meaning well, the dark, deep color choice, the gray undertones of their skin, and and strange cropping just unsettles you and you walk away with a sense of what that death scene really means: beautiful but never pretty..
- Wonderful! Love the drama, love the coloring, like the fact that it’s a close shot. Generally pleasingly angsty.
- I love the cut off of faces. It makes it somewhat cinematic and actually more deeply personal as a picture. It adds to the story behind this image.
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Judges' comments:
- “May 14, 1878" grabbed me the moment I saw it. The pose, the play of light on the darkness, the concept–everything conveys an intense poignancy without being maudlin. In addition, it’s clear this artist has gone beyond what she’s seen in the anime or manga and has created a truly satisfying work that not only enhances the viewer’s understanding of the story, but could even stand alone as a work of art even if we didn’t know the story. The sense of poignancy (for me, at least) is that intense.
- The best part is the choice of showing only the woman's back. It charges this piece with more emotion than it would from another angle I think that it invites the viewers to look at the world throught the woman's perspective. I also like the twinkling moonlight and the color scheme used in this.
- I love how Melissa manages to convey a feeling of such longing just by the atmosphere of the background and without ever showing Kaoru's face. I like how she incorporated the title of the pic into the work of art as a whole. It adds another layer and is something more than just a quick name that was slapped on at the last minute.
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Judges' comments:
- I really like this one not only for the competent linework, but the concept. Pineapplebes combined the symbolism of the red flower (which represents the fallen warrior in Japan) with Tomoe's death and Kenshin's following descent into emptiness and despair. Compositionally, it's a very good piece, drawing your eye around the picture in a purposeful way.
- This is just too cute to pass up. I really like this style.
- What can I say? This is a gorgeous, gorgeous pic. Kenshin looks adorable. The colors and composition are lovely. The flowers are a beautiful addition. And overall, it's just so aesthetically pleasing for me, that I can't stop staring at it. Simply a fantastic piece.
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Judges' comments:
- Now, how awesome is THIS picture? So INCREDIBLY original. The references to traditional japanese artwork are fantastic, and I almost wish I had a wall scroll of this, because I think it would look -great- in that format.
- What I appreciate is that this image stands on its own. You can tell exactly what is supposed to be going on, and that this happens to be a friendly little 'battle.' This is one of the few pics that tried to match both themes, which I think is a very interesting way to go about a contest entry.
- I love the fact that lynnet obviously pays attention to traditional Japanese artwork, and did this pic the old stylized woodcut style of the Meji period. To an art major like me, that kind of effort wins big points.
- There is a real sense of whimsy and familial love here. I think the Kenshin-gumi playing in the snow is sufficiently in character and it does a great job in conveying a different type of love (from romantic or angst-romance). I find this very refreshing and delightful to look at.
- “Ambush, Take 2” is a truly unique and wonderful entry on so many levels. Yes, RK is an angst-driven series, but it also has many funny moments. This artist has managed to capture the everyday-life humor that pops up regularly in the manga by
showing the invincible Kenshin being ‘vanquished’ by those he holds most dear. No angst in this entry, just the most wonderful, lighthearted joy, and shown in a way that is clearly not drawn from any one particular scene. Once again, we have an artist who has gone beyond the manga/anime and synthesized in her own mind one of the most endearing features of the whole series–Kenshin’s quest for a peaceful life among caring people.
- Love the attention to detail, right down to the textures of the "paper" and how the "ink" would bleed-through the lines. I like the warm feeling I get from the scene. It's a smooth blend of both love and war. And it's such an original idea. This pic makes sense and fits on so many levels. Truly impressive. Hats off to you, lynnet!
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This contest was a wonderful success!
My sincerest thanks go to....
All the great participating artists who spent time to create beautiful artworks for the rest of us to enjoy
All the people who spread the word and helped pass news of this contest along to their friends
The amazing artists who volunteered to do a commissioned piece as a possible prize for the first place award
And most of all....
To the awesome judges who helped me on this crazy venture
Chiisai Lammy
Thank you so much for your help and your patience. You guys are the best!
Rurouni Kenshin characters are the property of creator Nobohiro Watsuki, Shueisha, Shounen Jump, and Sony Entertainment. This is a non-profit fan-site for entertainment purposes only. Permission was not obtained from the above parties. If any of the above parties or their representatives have a complaint regarding any fan artwok posted on this site, please e-mail me, and I will comply with any stated requests.