Spread the word! Tell your friends. Yay! HTML code for the banner is at the bottom of this page.
Welcome to the first (and probably only) ever HakuBaikou.com Rurouni Kenshin fan art contest!
Please read the rules & specifications before submitting entries. Entries that don't follow the rules or artwork specifications will be ignored.
Good luck to all the contestants!
THEME: All's Fair in Love & War
Yup. It's a pretty general theme, isn't it? You can pretty much send in any RK fan art you drew as long as it has something to do with either love or war. Or both. ;) Be as creative as you want. (Just keep it PG-13, folks. LOL.)
CHARACTERS: Any RK characters
Any character from the RK universe can be used. You can draw as many characters in your pic as you want. And the situation doesn't necessarily have to have happened in the series or manga. You can make up fantasy battles scenes if you want, but they do have to make sense in some kind of way. Alternate or shonen-ai pairings are also acceptable.
IMPORTANT rules that must not be broken!
- ONLY SUBMIT ARTWORK YOU DREW. Yes, this should be obvious, but I've seen contests where people posted stolen art. So...Duh, the artwork and the idea for the art must be yours! No stealing from official art or other fan arts.
NO TRACING OR COPYING OF OFFICIAL PICS EITHER! In other words, you can not look at another picture of an RK character and try to draw him or her in the exact same way. Even if you change the background, this will not be acceptable. If I find that you have sent in a copied or stolen work, you will NOT be eligible to send in any other entries. If you don't understand this rule completely, or if you have a question about your entry, please feel free to ask me or show me the pic if you're not sure.
- NEW ART ONLY. Sorry, but you can't submit stuff that you did months ago and posted at other sites.
SIZE OF SUBMISSIONS: Pics MUST be less than 1000 pixels in width and height. File sizes MUST be under 200kb. (Some people do surf on dial-up, and large pictures take a very long time for them to load.) I may shrink or condense files smaller than the limit if I deem appropriate. But don't worry, I will keep the picture quality clear.
- FILE FORMATS: JPEG's only please!
- DEADLINE: Saturday, July 31, 2004 at 11:59 PM Pacific time.
- ELIGIBILITY: Anyone is welcome to join the contest. You don't have to be an artist who has already submitted pics to this site. The only people who can't join are the judges. (Obviously.)
- MEDIA: Both traditional and digital are fine. Pictures of sculptures are acceptable too.
- STYLE: Any style. Realistic, semi-realistic, anime/manga style, chibi. It's all good.
- NUMBER OF SUBMISSIONS: Maximum of 3 per contestant.
- RESTRICTIONS: No NC-17 level pictures! R-rated pictures will be dealt with on a case by case basis. They may be disqualified if they're judged a little too, erm, raunchy for this site, so please try to keep pics PG-13 or less. Also, no racist, sexist, or otherwise hurtful themed pics will be allowed.
Please check to make sure your pic is the right size and format before submitting. Thanks!
- POST A LINK TO YOUR PIC'S URL: This is the PREFERRED method. Upload your picture to your own webspace and post a link at the temporary contest guestbook I've set up. If you did your pic on my oekaki board, this would also be how you enter. Just link to your oekaki pic.
If you don't have your own webspace, try an account at Photobucket.com. It's a free hosting service that allows remote linking, and it is very easy to use.
Post a link to your pic here in the Contest Guestbook:
- E-MAIL YOUR FILES: This is also acceptable. E-mail your JPG files to contest[at]hakubaikou[dot]com.
- For those of you with DeviantArt accounts: Just send me a message at DA with your entry information and a link to your pic.
- Your name or alias: This is the only REQUIRED bit of info
- Title of your artwork: Optional
- Age: Optional, but if you want to be considered for the Best Artist under age 14 category, you should list your age.
- All submitted pics will be uploaded to my website. There will be a special contest page in the fanart section that will become a permanent page of the site. Depending on the number of submissions, I may or may not provide thumbnails for each pic, but I will at least provide a link to it.
- I may or may not incorporate contest pics into the regular fan art gallery for those who already have a page there. Again, this depends on the number of submissions.
Thanks so much to the judges for agreeing to help me out with the contest. Are they not the coolest people on Earth? Yes. Yes indeed.
Winners receive, ESTEEM and HIGH REGARD from their peers. ;) And their pic displayed all special-like. Plus some kind of nyah-nyah-I-won type button or banner that I'll make later. Oh, and other minor prizes 'n stuff. Read on....
Addendum: It's been brought to my attention that some people might have a problem giving out their addresses for any possible prizes they may receive. Don't worry too much about it. I'm sure that we can work some alternative prize out.
Your choice of 1 of the following first place prizes
2 things from the second place prize list.
- Samurai X: Trust & Betrayal Director's Cut DVD
- Samurai X: Reflections (Seiso-hen) DVD
- Samurai X: The Motion Picture DVD
- Any 1 of the 26 DVD's from the TV series
- Samurai X: Reflections soundtrack CD
- 12 month subscription at DeviantArt.com
- 3 volumes of the RK English translated manga (obviously this only applies to the volumes that have currently been published)
- $25.00 e-mail gift certificate from Amazon.com.
- A free commission of a portrait (head only or half-body)of your original RPG or story character from 1 of the following artists:
Your choice of 1 of the following second place prizes
- Samurai X: Trust & Betrayal soundtrack CD
- Rurouni Kenshin Kaden (art book in Japanese only)
- 6 month subscription at DeviantArt.com
- Prismacolor colored pencils, set of 24
- $15.00 e-mail gift certificate from Amazon.com.
- 2 volumes of the RK English translated manga (obviously this only applies to the volumes that have currently been published)
Your choice of 1 of the following third place prizes
- Any 8"x10" print from DeviantArt.com
- 3 month subscription at DeviantArt.com
- Prismacolor colored pencils, set of 12
- $8.00 e-mail gift certificate from Amazon.com.
- 1 volume of the RK English translated manga (obviously this only applies to the volumes that have currently been published)
These may or may not be prize categories depending on the number of entries submitted.
Your choice of 1 of the following prizes
- Any 8"x10" print from DeviantArt.com
- 3 month subscription at DeviantArt.com
- Prismacolor colored pencils, set of 12
- $8.00 e-mail gift certificate from Amazon.com.
- 1 volume of the RK English translated manga (obviously this only applies to the volumes that have currently been published)
Winners of these categories will each receive a 4"x6" print of their choice from DeviantArt.com. (I know it's not much, but hey, I'm a poor grad student! :-P)
- Best Line Art
- Best Coloring
- Most Kawaii
- Most Ambitious
- Most Creative/Unique
- Most Humorous
- Most Action-Packed
These will be pics that didn't necessarily win a specific prize, but that impressed judges nonetheless. Alas, no prizes of monetary value for the honorable mentions. But you do get a nice button or banner and you can bask in the WARM GLOW of PRAISE from the RK community. :) O! The Glory....
Please help spread the word about this contest. The more contestants there are, the more fun this will be. Thanks! Oh, and since this pic is hosted on Photobucket.com, yes, you can direct-link it. (gasp!)
Here's the code for the banner:
- If you want to save it to your own site, here's the URL to link to:
- If you want to direct-link, cut and paste this code:
- Please note that the above HTML code may not work in some message board systems that use BBC code. You'll have to check with your board for their codes.
Thanks for your support!
| | Rurouni Kenshin characters are the property of creator Nobohiro Watsuki, Shueisha, Shounen Jump, and Sony Entertainment. This is a non-profit fan-site for entertainment purposes only. Permission was not obtained from the above parties. If any of the above parties or their representatives have a complaint regarding any fan artwok posted on this site, please e-mail me, and I will comply with any stated requests.