Thanks very much to all the participating artists!**
NO. |
Artist Name Title of Artwork [Spoilers]
91-97 |
097 |
Audra in my hand [None]
096 |
Cathy Ha The Wound of Battle [None]
095 |
Misaoshiru Misao's love [None]
094 |
Tifaria A Moment Alone [None]
093 |
Gretsky That Tickles!* [None]
092 |
secretarytocapt3 Newlywed Portrait (Hajime & Tokio) [None]
091 |
Airamis For love or for war [None]
81-90 |
090 |
Freya Out with the old, In with the new [None]
089 |
BookWyrm1317 Merging of Warrior and Rurouni* [None]
088 |
xkaai That Day... [None]
087 |
ladykasa Kenshin and Kaoru [None]
086 |
ladykasa saigo [None]
085 |
ruru White Plums [None]
084 |
Lyng I will miss you Kaoru!! [None]
083 |
Sea Wolf Kenshin [None]
082 |
Mezmo Can I leave Tomoe? [None]
081 |
Dogmatix Hitokiri to Rurouni [None]
71-80 |
080 |
I love U [None]
079 |
audra Safe in Our Home [None]
078 |
Annie Chibi Love and War [None]
077 |
Tokio Saitou My weasel girl [None]
076 |
Tokio Saitou Ikedaya Inn [None]
075 |
lynnet Ambush, Take 2 [None]
074 |
BookWyrm1317 Caught My Shy Rurouni [None]
073 |
Wingstar Two Loves [None]
071 |
strympl Kenshin [None]
61-70 |
070 |
Azuka RurouniKenshin [None]
069 |
S.I.D. (aka Secretid) pink and orange [None]
068 |
Kaoru-hime You're Back! [None]
067 |
The Narrator Jinchuu: Arms of Nemisis [None]
066 |
Sora (aka Ku-Ro-Ne-Ko) TheScentofWhitePlum-LastMemory [OAV1]
065 |
Sora (aka Ku-Ro-Ne-Ko) predator-taste of blood [None]
064 |
Ssu-An (aka Tauntinghope) All's Fair in Love and War [OAV1, major]
063 |
Ayashi In Fairness; In Love [None]
062 |
ConRtist Satsujin [None]
061 |
trunkschan90 To Megumi from Sanosuke [None]
51-60 |
060 |
Sakura_chan trust and betrayal [None]
059 |
Sakura_chan Strawberry Love [None]
058 |
trunkschan90 Wolf vs Dragon [None]
057 |
Sunoko The Lonely Hearts Club [None]
056 |
Jaelithe Reminiscence 3 [None]
055 |
Jaelithe Reminiscence 2 [None]
054 |
Jaelithe Reminiscence 1 [None]
053 |
Makimachi Motoko memories of blood [OAV1, mild]
052 |
Bekah Wren All's Fair [None]
051 |
SoujiKatome Tomoe Takino [None]
41-50 |
050 |
Connie Untitled [End of manga, mild]
049 |
Connie Night [None]
048 |
Jelley True Love [None]
047 |
Sunoko Sneak Attack [None]
046 |
Audra Tomoe's True Colors [None]
045 |
Blue Jeans Match Made in Heaven [None]
044 |
RoseThorn Vying for Kenshin [None]
043 |
yaney samuraiX [None]
042 |
Blue Jeans Love and War [None]
041 |
kitsuneonna One More Red Nightmare [None]
31-40 |
040 |
ReeveLy Love and War [OAV1, sort of]
039 |
Claudia LL Fair...? [None]
038 |
Jelley Questions [None]
037 |
angelhitomi Hitokiri [None]
036 |
Makimachi Motoko Aoshi no chisai sakura [None]
035 |
Nick Dobromilsky (aka Shizoku) Burning City [None]
034 |
Ayashi ...fair? [None]
033 |
The Narrator Make Love, Not War! [End of manga, mild]
032 |
The Narrator Jinchuu: Vengeance for the Love You Stole [Jinchuu, major]
031 |
Steffel Forms of Love [None]
21-30 |
030 |
Sachi Ami Love's Lament [None]
028 |
cherryblossom88 Kenshin vs. Aoshi [None]
027 |
pineapplebes Hitokiri's Surrender [OAV1]
026 |
Lizabeth What You Can't See [None]
025 |
RoseThorn War and Peace [None]
024 |
Jelley The Ones That Truly Matter [None]
023 |
Melissa (aka kitsuneonna) Fire Requiem [None]
022 |
RoseThorn Torn [None]
021 |
Yoko_McKenna Kenshin and Kaoru...CHIBI STYLE! [None]
11-20 |
020 |
Meretrix-Simiorum Tears of Joy [Kyoto, major]
019 |
Rhexi Hitokiri Battousai [None]
018 |
Wandering Aimlessly This One Promises You. [None]
017 |
Kaoru~hime Memories [None]
016 |
ConRtist Splash (Note: Read from right to left) [None]
015 |
Aikawarazu Ai One's Reminiscence [None]
014 |
Cconartist Pocky, Pocky Pocky! [None]
013 |
cherryblossom88 My Aoshi [None]
012 |
cherryblossom88 Kenshin Going Back to War [None]
1-10 |
010 |
kendranoelle Father and Son [End of manga, mild]
009 |
SachiAmi Fireflies [None]
007 |
Eiko Makimachi Benten Mawashi [None]
006 |
Fuzzysocks102 All's Fair in Love and War [OAV1, major]
005 |
anjiriku the fire within [None]
004 |
Author-chan Just a Short Nap [None]
003 |
trunkschan90 Short Lived Love [None]
002 |
Wandering Aimlessly From Battousai To Rurouni [OAV1]
001 |
Melissa (aka kitsuneonna) May 14, 1878 [None]