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Kendo no Go
In the Language of Kendo:
A Fanfic in 100 Chapters

by Akai Kitsune

58: Hikari



"Beautiful. He's beautiful..."

Kenshin was an immediate admirer of Kenji after his birth, reveling in all the baby did. Kaoru herself couldn't help but feel proud of their accomplishment. A new life, a new joy, a family, they had created together.


He was, she knew, a beautiful child. With bright eyes, deeper than the night sky - a colour which truly grew on her over time - and hair the shade of embers and rust, he was the admiration of the town. A strange child, certainly, but a popular newcomer to the city of Tokyo. Kaoru found it amusing how such a lesser known dojo - once made famous by the rumours of an assassin abiding there - could be the talk of the neighbourhood by a simple birth. She was only unhappy that it didn't bring her students.

Not that she was in any condition to teach, anyway, but that wasn't the point.

She loved to watch them together, Kenshin and her son, whatever they did. She smiled as Kenshin did the laundry, one eye on the tiny body toddling around at his feet, calling his "to-to" and constantly requesting attention. She laughed as they worked in the garden, Kenji stumbling over roots and wailing over a scratch, Kenshin hugging him and admiring the impressive "battle scar", even as scars that could have taken his life hid innocently beneath his tunic, away from the child's gaze.

She watched them, not knowing that he watched her, not knowing that he loved to watch her with Kenji just as much.


The child brought a light to their world that Kaoru had never known, a love that was deeper and more fierce than anything they had felt before. It fascinated her, how much she knew she was willing to do for this tiny bundle she had brought into the world.

She knew that if anything were to happen to him, if she were to lose him, she would die, just die.

And Kenshin? Only the kami knew what he would do, and she couldn't bear to guess. Her own supposed death had wounded him enough. Any harm to Kenji -

She couldn't bear it.

He was their light, their gift from... it must have been the gods, really, they were so blessed.

"I won't let any of my shadows touch him," Kenshin told her, his voice gentle and intense, fearful and undaunted at the same time.

She wondered what shadows he referred to; those who sought him, or darkness of his own making.


"There are two conditions most favourable to a manslayer. One was to be among the shadows of night, and the other was to be among the crowds of people."

Those words often echoed in Kaoru's heart. Spoken first by Kenshin, and reflected upon by Sanosuke, after the battles of Kyoto were over and everyone was on the road to recovery - Kenshin especially, who had worried them all the most - they seemed to mimic and answer her curiousity of what the Bakumatsu was like. Shadows, Kenshin had said. Shadows of war, shadows of the demons of mankind, shadows of past lives and future expectations.

Shadows of the ghosts which haunted every step of one's wish for happiness.

But shadows could not exist without light, she remembered, taking hope in the thought, just as light can chase the shadows to the far-reaching corners of existence.

Like a candle: strong, even as it flickered in the wind.


Wow, um... scattered chapter, I know. Sorry... I only had a very basic idea of what I wanted to say in this one, and even then I was really baffled. This chapter basically wrote itself.

"Hikari" translates into "light", which is the original chapter's title.
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