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Kendo no Go
In the Language of Kendo:
A Fanfic in 100 Chapters

by Akai Kitsune

65: Shukuchi



There was, according to Sanosuke, only one person in the world who was faster than Kenshin: a young man by the name of Seta Soujirou, Shishio's right-hand man - boy, really - and the strongest of the Juppongatana. Kaoru found this almost incomprehensible; Kenshin was so terribly fast already, and the idea of someone being faster...

And far more deadly, judging by the damage done on Kenshin's body during the battle. Soujirou had not only destroyed the original sakabatou in their first fight, but had struck Kenshin in the back - something which had never, in all his time at the dojo, happened before.

"He looked like he was about your age, Jou-chan," Sano told her, looking at her with a curious expression on his face, as if he had only then realized. "It's hard to believe... he looked just like a kid, but he was so good... if Kenshin wasn't the sort of man he is, Soujirou probably would've..."

Kaoru didn't want to hear it. She didn't want to hear what she had spent the entire day dreading - that Kenshin could die, that he very nearly had died at the hands of this boy. Not when he had come home so close to death. Not when, even as Sano spoke, the rurouni was fighting a constant battle for his life.


She felt a little envious at the natural talent for the sword which seemed to appear all around her. Kenshin was skilled beyond belief, the legends of the Bakumatsu manslayer holding merit in many forms; Soujirou, his opponent, having an inborn talent which developed into a deadly style of assassination as he grew older; even Yahiko, the one who learned all he knew from her - and his observations of Kenshin - was skilled enough to earn himself the ougi in less than six months. How long had it taken her?

But Yahiko had different motives, she knew. Different needs in his time, at his age, than she had during her own training. There had been more crucial, dangerous battles in the time they had known Kenshin than in their entire lives before he arrived.

It still made her feel a twinge of jealousy, remembering how she had needed Kenshin's help to defend the honour of her school against Gohei, when he never required her aid in his battles. If anything, she was more of a liability to him.

"If I have to protect someone when I fight, I can't possibly win."


She had grown, though; she at least gave herself credit for that, as would Kenshin, if asked. She had developed her strength and courage a great deal when the stream of assassins and unusual warriors began appearing at the Kamiya dojo, wreaking havoc and threatening her rurouni. She had learned to deal with the strangest men, with all their bizarre weaponry, crying bloody murder and damaging her dojo - her father's dojo - just to make Kenshin angry.

It always seemed to take them so long to discover that such damage was unnecessary; it was danger to his friends, not his home, that brought out the best in Himura Kenshin.

'But... what is the best...?'

The best warrior was, unmistakably, the dreaded Hitokiri Battousai, assassin of legends, feared by all - even those who had never seen him in battle. Even Kaoru herself was wary of each appearance, though she would never admit that to Kenshin.

The personality that lay dearest to her heart was, of course, the sweet-tempered rurouni; slow to anger, quick to forgive, easy to smile. Harder to laugh, but that remained as simply a challenge for her.

But the best man?

"I promise..."

"I'll protect you."

The best man was the man Kenshin had become in the time he had spent with them all - his family - transforming into not just the rurouni, and not just the hitokiri, but someone stronger, someone wiser.

Someone warmer, easier to love and easier to share love with.

'That's the man I want as my husband,' she often mused, watching him work around the dojo in his usual routine. 'The man I want to spend my life with.'

'The man I really love.'

And, really, what could be better?


Poor Soujirou. The title was for him, and all he got was half a page, ^_^ Oh well...

The original title of this chapter was "Swift". I was thinking God-speed or something, but that was too close to two words, and when I thought of speed, Soujirou kept coming to mind before Kenshin... so I decided to include him.
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