This fan fiction is based on the Rurouni Kenshin manga. Rurouni Kenshin characters are the property of creator Nobohiro Watsuke, Shueisha, Shonen Jump, Sony Entertainment, and VIZ Comics. This is a non-profit work for entertainment purposes only. Permission was not obtained from the above parties.
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My Life: Fitz explains a few things


**Please note that the following material contains ‘spoilers’ to the actual story. Mild ones, granted, but they are there. You might want to read the chapters before reading this.**

Okay. I’ve noticed from some of the reviews that there is a bit of confusion. The odd gaps in the timeline have thrown off several readers.

First off, I want to apologize. My own train of thought tends to leap around, and sometimes I forget that I have to explain a little when I make an abrupt subject change.

Next, I will explain things. This will be updated with each chapter, so if ever you are confused, refer back to this section.




Freshman year:

1.Fall semester: Kenshin moves into the dorms and starts getting into the swing of college life. We meet Sano, Katsu, and Jonas.

2.Winter break: Not really addressed, but Kenshin is at home with his uncle during this three-four week period.

3.Spring semester: Jonas is gone. Aoshi enters the story as Kenshin’s roommate.

Sophomore year:

1. Fall semester: A new year. Kenshin is in a single room. He meets Kaoru, Misao, Omasu, Chou, and Kamatari. (Not mentioned in story, but Katsu’s absence is because he is studying abroad.)

2. Winter break: Not yet mentioned.

3. Spring semester: Not yet mentioned.


Chapter one: Prologue thingy. Set during the later years of Kenshin’s college career. The chapter is merely to identify the main character. (Other characters present: none)

Chapter two: Kenshin meets Kaoru. Set during the first semester of Kenshin’s sophomore year. (Other characters present: Kaoru, Misao, Omasu, Saitou, and Sanosuke.)

Chapter three: Kenshin meets Sano. Orientation—before Kenshin’s freshman year begins. (Other characters present: Sano and a brief appearance by Tae.)

Chapter four: The roommate from hell. Kenshin’s first semester, freshman year. (Other characters present: Sano, Katsu, Megumi, and Jonas.)

Chapter five: A bit of random interaction. First semester, sophomore year. (Other characters present: Kaoru, Misao, Omasu, Sano, Kamatari, Chou, and Aoshi.)

Chapter six:  Kenshin’s a jerk to his friends. First semester, sophomore year. (Other characters present: Kaoru, Kamatari, English Teacher, Sano, Hiko.)

Chapter seven: Hospital stuff. Thanksgiving dinner at the Sagara family household. (Other characters present: Kaoru, Sano, Hiko, Chou, Misao, Megumi, Aoshi, Kamatari, Mr. Sagara, Yahiko, a receptionist, and a random nurse in a pear tree.)

Chapter eight: Kenshin gets a new roommate. Set in the second semester of Kenshin’s freshman year. (Other characters present: Sano, Katsu, Aoshi, Hiko, Beshimi, Hyottoko, Shikijou, Hannya, two anonymous students, and a police officer.)

Little Notes: Is this helpful? What else can I do to make things less confusing? (That is, barring story mysteries. Those are to remain secret until the author is ready to reveal it. You all know that. ^_~) Please let me know.

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