This fan fiction is based on the Rurouni Kenshin manga. Rurouni Kenshin characters are the property of creator Nobohiro Watsuke, Shueisha, Shonen Jump, Sony Entertainment, and VIZ Comics. This is a non-profit work for entertainment purposes only. Permission was not obtained from the above parties.
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Kenshin Outtakes, Take 2!: Chapter 1 - Here We Go Again!

by The Narrator ::: 02.Jun..2003

Narrator here. Well, as you all assuredly know, about the first thing I ever wrote on was a series of “Kenshin Outtakes” that became my most appreciated work to date.

Kanashimi: We don’t know why, it just did.

Narrator: Shut up.

Kanashimi: Bite me. Please *~.^*

Narrator: *twitch* Why can’t you go torture some bishies or something? You are disturbing our reviewers.

Kanashimi: Okay-be! *skips off to assault Sesshomaru or Folken or any other of those creepy-bishy types Kanashimi favors*

Narrator: Ahem! Anyway, the series got such rave reviews that I decided to acquiesce to your wishes, and write up a whole new series! It’s going to start from the beginning again, so be prepared for running gags, depravity, and Saitou-torture!

Saitou: Just try it, woman.

Narrator: Hey, Kanashimi!

Kanashimi: What now? *spots Saitou trying to hide behind Narrator’s chair* POOKIE!!

Saitou: (O.O) Ack! *runs*

Kanashimi: Ohohohohoho! *takes off after him*

Kaoru: Just be glad Narrator likes us as a couple so much, Kenshin.

Kenshin: *nods fervently*



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