This fan fiction is based on the Rurouni Kenshin manga. Rurouni Kenshin characters are the property of creator Nobohiro Watsuke, Shueisha, Shonen Jump, Sony Entertainment, and VIZ Comics. This is a non-profit work for entertainment purposes only. Permission was not obtained from the above parties.
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Absolution: Prologue - Unhinged Foundations

by Sakusha ::: 18.Jan.2003

“It doesn’t seem fair…to make right a building built incorrectly” Seta Soujirou


In the end, the child died. I have to tell you that because if your looking for a happy ending, well, your idea of a happy ending and my idea of a happy ending may be very different.

I was told once by someone far wiser than myself, to go out into the world and find my own truth. You see, I had lived another’s truth. I set his ideals up as my own, as if his word’s came from God himself. I lived someone else’s skewed reality…and It cost me greatly. It hurts to think of all those years and lives wasted because I chose to let someone else think for myself. I know now that my mentor was demented.

I am not the same and yet I am. There I was, the entire time trying to hide myself behind an empty smile. Buried deep behind an idiots grin, lonely, unloved and living a life I hated. My speed and stealth to wield a sword the only thing that made me worth anything to the man I looked up too as a deity. I was no more than a pet monkey. I finally found my way out, or rather; someone fought their way inside and forced me to deal with myself. And I was truly afraid; in a way I had not been since I was a young child. Don’t get me wrong, I still smile lots, just not with that perpetual naiveté I held in my younger years.

I was right in saying that this wise man was a greater taskmaster than my mentor. A burden bought with blood, paid tenfold, I left that day and have not returned to Kyoto since. Time has gone by quickly. I have learned much, felt much, and now know that it will probly take me the rest of my life to atone for my sins.

First, I know that there are a lot of Soujirou fics as of late, let me say that this one has been in my head if not sitting on my computer for the last 8 months. I started at the beginning of summer and got to the first chapter somewhere in the fall…. Then my muse left! Vanished into thin air. Aargh! So frustrating cause I know where I want to go with it, well, sort of * sweat drop* So instead of waiting until I had a good portion of the fic done, like I was going to do, I’ll set this out there and let you take a poke at it. (A poke, not a beating please*cowers*) Well, anyway, I’m hoping my muse will once again find me, and soon, cause this is going to haunt me till its finished.

Second, I know some of you might think that this is a bit out of character, but remember; Soujirou himself didn’t even know his own heart. He is still in the process of finding himself, so, I think a little angsting is in order even if he keeps it well hidden from just about everyone else. This is a story of a troubled adolescent trying to make sense of the hell that was his life before he meet Kenshin, and man he wishes to become, even if he is not quite sure of whom that is yet.

A/N- Character death? I really would like to keep you guessing, but I will say that no one that you get attached to will die. Confused- Good! I want you to read it.
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