This fan fiction is based on the Rurouni Kenshin manga. Rurouni Kenshin characters are the property of creator Nobohiro Watsuke, Shueisha, Shonen Jump, Sony Entertainment, and VIZ Comics. This is a non-profit work for entertainment purposes only. Permission was not obtained from the above parties.
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Absolution: Chapter 1 - Beginnings

by Sakusha

Kirei. Beautiful. A simple word, yet the only one I could find to describe that morning. The sun soaked up the morning dew and the warmth radiated on my face. Sakura gently rained down on the obscure little path I had chosen to take me to the eastern ports. I’d been inland all winter. My funds were running low, but now that the ports would be open, there would be work on the docks. By mid-morning, I stopped to rest leaning against a boulder on the side of the road to drink some water. For the moment, I am at peace; my inner demons still in hibernation. Putting the canteen down on the rock, I closed my eyes to meditate on the beauty that surrounded me. I cleared my thoughts, concentrating on the cleansing morning breeze, and realized…I was not alone.

There was someone sneaking up behind the rock I was resting on. Whoever it was they were not very good at it at all, or they would have known that I’d sensed them by now. I tightened my grip on my walking stick. I have held no other weapon in almost two years. I do not feel I have the right. And for all the time I have not held a sword, my senses and speed have not declined. Pickpockets and thieves are a dime a dozen on well-traveled roads. Why would one have chosen a less traveled path with very few targets? No real threat but I was going to scare the hell out of him anyway. Just as a hand sneaked out to grab my canteen, I turned with the ten-ken speed of my youth to face my would be robber, walking stick leveled to strike….and looked into the eyes of a very frightened child. Both of us startled, his eyes widened at the sight of the stick. I shook myself mentally, and slowly brought the stick to my hip, purely out of habit of course, since I did not normally sheath a walking stick. I’m sure I looked like an idiot, but the child did not say so. As a matter of fact, I don’t think he was even breathing. He was filthy, his clothes looked as thought they had belonged to a household of wealth at one time. But they were too small and very well worn. He had the look of a mouse caught by a cat. That was my fault of course and I set out to make things right. I motioned to the canteen the child had sought out, “Sumimasen. Your welcome to the water. “

The boy did not move as his eyes never left the stick and I suddenly understood. I laid the stick against the rocks, on the other side, away from the boy.

“Is that better? I’m truly sorry, you just startled me, really. You can have all the water you want.”

He was still not convinced that I was being genuine, though at least he was back to breathing now. The child took a small step back, and appraised me through sad brown eyes. I got the distinct feeling that kindness had not been shown to him in some time. My heart felt for him. I realized just how much I wanted his trust. I slowly picked up the canteen and lowered it to the ground and stepped away. That was all it took. I gathered it was dehydration rather than trust that won out, but the child fell to his knees grabbing the canteen and greedily drank its contents. The child’s demeanor abruptly changed however when he had realized that all the water was gone. He cast his eyes to the ground but not before I saw a tinge of fear in them. He obviously thought that there was going to be some horrible punishment for his actions. I flashed him a smile.

“Its alright, really. There should be a river a couple miles up. And besides, you looked really thirsty. No worries.”

That seemed to make the child feel a little bit better, though he still looked vary wary, he held out the canteen to me. I took it slowly out of his hand, as to not frighten him. He was thin, with a fair complexion, fine dark hair covering his eyes. Sad eyes. And young, too young to be traveling alone, couldn’t be more than eight, I thought.

“My name is Soujirou. Seta Soujirou. I’m on my way to Niigata. You’re welcome to join me. I’m alone and I’d enjoy the company.”

I packed up my things, threw the canteen over my shoulder and turned back to him, handing out a rice ball, a peace offering of sorts,

“And your name is?”

“Youji”, he said grabbing the rice ball as if he hadn’t eaten in days.

And suddenly I had a new traveling companion.

Finally*big sigh* Thanks Nikka, I thought it was a nifty start too, then I realized I had to keep going *_*

I’ve had this chapter sitting in MSWord for three weeks, and I edited a dozen times, but well, I hope it’s enough to keep you amused. I found my muse on a far off island, thanks Phoe-chan for sending me that way, who woulda’ guessed? He stayed around to complete chapter 2 and 3, but sadly left before I edited them. * Whistles while twiddling thumbs*

I will try to keep the grammatical errors to a minimum. For some reason when all you have is a three year old to converse with for a better part of the day, regression is inevitable. That, and for some reason he wont beta for me * scratches head * Calger459 you really did help me with direction in my story, though I wont tell you how just yet * evil grin* Thanks too all, every comment helped. Hope to have more soon.

Vocabulary word of the day: Sumimasen- sorry/excuse me
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