This fan fiction is based on the Rurouni Kenshin manga. Rurouni Kenshin characters are the property of creator Nobohiro Watsuke, Shueisha, Shonen Jump, Sony Entertainment, and VIZ Comics. This is a non-profit work for entertainment purposes only. Permission was not obtained from the above parties.
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Kendo no Go
In the Language of Kendo:
A Fanfic in 100 Chapters

by Akai Kitsune

16: Misery



Misery loves company.

Kaoru often wondered exactly how happy Kenshin had been with Tomoe. He had brushed over the subject only vaguely when describing their relationship - knowing that she would likely get jealous or angry if he said he had been too happy - but had never really given any details. What sort of things did they do for fun? Did they have fun?

What did a Bakumatsu shadow assassin do for fun?

He mentioned that he had played with children, enjoying their loud, cheerful company and the distraction it brought about from his thoughts. Tomoe's interaction with them, he admitted, had been less enthusiastic, and it both puzzled and worried him; what if, had they remained alive and married, they started a family, had children of their own? What if her smile was forever frozen in her heart, never to see the sun or meet him on his way home?

"That's part of why I love you," he whispered, brushing a loose tendril of hair away from her face. "You are always smiling, and there is no ice... only sunlight."

Frozen sunlight. How can one love both?

"I was a different person back then," he told her, a wistful, sad smile on his face. "I was lost in a world I thought I could change, lost in my own mind and the thoughts I had created for myself. I was frozen too, in a way; it was Tomoe who made me see that, and somehow we managed to find a little happiness in each other."

"But Kenshin," she objected, "You were so different from each other, as well. You were trying to change the world for the better. She was ice because she hated you. Didn't you help her to see how wrong she was?"

He laughed at her, quietly as usual, and shrugged. "Love, hate. It's strange how easily one can be changed into the other. I did nothing to change her; I merely lived, continuing on as I had before, with the exception that she was there with me, showing me that there was more to life than just... existence. She had such an unusual way of caring, it made me curious - something I hadn't felt for a long time until she came. Eventually I came to love her, not for her smile, or her spirit, or any of the reasons I love you," He paused a moment, unconsciously reaching out to wrap one arm around her and draw her close to him, "But because she was the only one to really care about me since I became the hitokiri. It was so unheard of... I couldn't help it. She had a strength I could never fathom."

Kaoru was lost, confused. "Kenshin... how can you love two people who are that different from one another?"

His broad smile returned, and he tapped the end of her nose playfully, giving her cheek a gentle kiss. "Because, Kaoru-chan," he murmured honestly, "In your heart, you have that same strength. And... as I said, I am a different man from the manslayer who fell in love with Tomoe. I could never love anyone like her again; it would be far too close to my heart. I need a stronger balance for who I am now."

She could say nothing after that, and instead chose to take his words to heart and snuggle closer to him, enjoying his warmth, and all his promises. y


Hm, it turned into another Kaoru/Tomoe chapter. That wasn't really intentional, but I was completely at a loss when I read this chapter in the novel. What the heck was I supposed to do? The muse wasn't working with me, so I decided to do something a bit different. The original title was "Fruit". Sorry it was so short.
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